**MP3s removed until I find out why the IFPI is complaining**

Considering this blog recently passed the 300,000 visitor milestone (!!!) and we're right in the middle of the Christmas/New Year period, I think it's appropriate to do some indulging. You know those songs that you put on, and love, but only you and friends appreciate them, because only you know the back-stories behind them? Well these are some of my songs. And the back-stories. Cause with all the serious music journalism I've been doing this year, it's about time I had a break.
Ah the Will Smith phase. This was entertaining. At one point we made plans to transform our living room into the 'Will Smith Room', plastering the walls with giant posters of this undeniably cool man. Sadly, the furthest we got was a newspaper clipping on someone's door, but it was all worth it for the utterly bemused looks and remarks of 'You mean you ACTUALLY like Will Smith?'
I missed out on Toto the first time round, but recently someone stumbled across this song and we had our own private revival. I think we liked it purely for its excess. With lyrics such as 'Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti', you know you're onto a winner. It's even better live, with drum cages, epic choruses and flashing lights. This song is the definition of spectacle. I especially love how the falsetto singer aged from a
token 80's guy into a
Hillsong preacher. Brilliant!
Custard are without doubt a great Australian band. Anyone who doesn't agree is fooling themselves. But amongst all the hits, this song became a house favourite. The original reason was its rarity. The album it came from, Weisenheimer, couldn't be found on the internet or in shops. So when a live version was found, excitement followed. The signature riff evoked plenty of fist shaking and jumping about. Antics that went straight over the heads of everyone else who wasn't listening to it 5 times a day.
As I walked to Kings Cross one night and a friend began singing a song about missing a lung, I was reminded just how much I love Frenzal Rhomb. I'm not sure if its the pent-up energy, the simple song sturctures, the hilarious lyrics, or perhaps rebellious allure of excessive swearing, but something makes this band consistently awesome. I'll always remember a road trip to Melbourne, when one of their songs came on and the whole car spontaneously sung along. What ensued was an hour of non-stop Frenzal Rhomb, our voices wearing thin well before their list of hits.